Why My Basement Flooded With Sewage | Barnes Sewer & Septic
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My Basement Flooded With Sewage: What to Do & How to Stop it

When disaster strikes, it can leave us feeling helpless and overwhelmed. The thought of dealing with a flooded basement alone is enough to make anyone shudder. 

But what happens when that flood isn't just water, but sewage? Suddenly, the situation becomes even more dire and urgent.

Basement flooding is a common issue for homeowners, especially those living in areas prone to heavy rains or snowmelt. However, when sewage is involved, the stakes are raised significantly. Not only does it create a disgusting mess, but it also poses serious health risks.

In this article, we will get into the causes and potential solutions for basements flooded with sewage, helping you navigate through this messy and frustrating situation.

Why Did My Basement Flood With Sewage?

Basement flooding with sewage can occur due to various reasons, leading to a distressing situation for homeowners. 

One common cause is a malfunction or overload in the municipal sewage system, causing it to back up and flood into basements. 

Another reason could be a blockage in the sewer lines connected to the house, such as tree roots infiltrating the pipes or debris buildup.

Additionally, sewer backup in the basement during heavy rain can overwhelm the drainage system, pushing sewage back into homes. In older homes, deteriorating pipes, overloaded effluent filters, or outdated sewer systems can also contribute to sewage backing up into the basement. 

It’s essential to do regular maintenance, inspections, and prompt repairs to prevent such unpleasant incidents.

Sewer Backup in the Basement What to Do?

When facing a sewer backup in the basement, it is crucial to take immediate action to minimize damage and health hazards. You might be thinking about how to stop sewage backup in the basement. Here are some steps to address the situation effectively:

▪️ Safety First

Ensure the electricity to the affected area is turned off to prevent any risk of electrocution. Wear protective gear like gloves and boots before entering the flooded area to avoid exposure to contaminated water.

▪️ Identify the Source

Try to determine the cause of the backup. It could be due to a municipal sewage issue, a blockage in your home's sewer line, or problems with your plumbing system. Understanding the source can help in deciding the appropriate course of action.

▪️ Stop Water Usage

Avoid using sinks, toilets, showers, or any other water-using appliances to prevent further backup. This step is essential to prevent more sewage from entering your basement.

▪️ Call a Professional

Contact a licensed plumber or sewage backup cleanup specialist to assess the situation. They have the expertise and equipment to safely remove the sewage, clean up the area, and fix the underlying issue causing the backup.

▪️ Ventilate and Disinfect

After the sewage is removed, ventilate the area by opening windows and using fans to help dry out the space. Thoroughly clean and disinfect all surfaces that come into contact with the contaminated water to prevent mold and bacteria growth.

▪️ Prevent Future Incidents

Schedule regular inspections and maintenance for your plumbing system to prevent future sewage backups. Avoid flushing items down the toilet that can cause clogs, such as paper towels, wipes, and feminine hygiene products.

▪️ Seek Medical Attention

If you or anyone in your household experiences symptoms of illness after coming into contact with sewage, seek medical attention immediately. Sewage contains harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause serious infections.

▪️ Consider Alternative Living Arrangements

If the sewage backup has rendered your home uninhabitable, consider staying with family or friends until it is safe to return. You may also want to look into temporary housing options provided by your insurance company.

▪️ Prevent Future Sewage Backups

To avoid dealing with a sewage backup in the future, make sure to properly dispose of waste and avoid flushing any non-biodegradable items down the toilet. It is also important to regularly maintain your pipes and prevent septic system problems like clogs and backups.

How Long Does Sewage Contamination Last?

Sewage contamination can last for a significant amount of time if not properly addressed. The duration depends on several factors such as the severity of the backup, the type of sewage, and the sewage backup in the basement cleanup process used.

In some cases, it may take weeks or even months to fully clean up and eliminate all traces of sewage. This is especially true for larger backups or ones that have affected multiple areas of the home. It is important to act quickly and efficiently to minimize the potential for long-term damage.

How to Clean Up Raw Sewage in the Yard and Basement?

How to Clean Up Raw Sewage in the Yard and Basement?

When dealing with raw sewage in the yard and basement, it's crucial to prioritize safety and thorough cleaning. Firstly, wearing protective gear such as gloves, masks, and boots is a must to prevent exposure to harmful pathogens. 

Next, start by removing any visible sewage and debris using a shovel and dispose of it properly. After that, sanitize the affected areas with a mixture of bleach and water, ensuring thorough coverage. Allow the area to dry completely to prevent mold growth. 

It's advisable to seek professional help for larger contamination areas to ensure a safe and effective cleanup process. Remember, prompt action is key to minimizing the risk of long-term damage and health hazards.

What are the Dangers of Raw Sewage Under the House?

What are the Dangers of Raw Sewage Under the House?

If you suspect that your house may have raw sewage under it, it is important to address the issue immediately. You may be thinking, is sewage a biohazard? The answer is yes. Raw sewage contains harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause serious health hazards if not handled properly.

One of the biggest dangers of raw sewage in the house is exposure to harmful pathogens. Sewage contains a variety of bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause illnesses such as diarrhea, vomiting, and skin infections. 

These pathogens can enter your body through cuts or open wounds on your skin or even through inhalation in extreme cases.

In addition to health hazards, raw sewage under the house can also attract insects and other pests. The nasty smell of sewage can act as a beacon for pests, such as cockroaches and rats, to make their way into your home. Once inside, these pests can cause further damage and spread disease.

Furthermore, raw sewage can seep into the foundation of your home, weakening its structure and causing potential cracks or collapses. It can also cause sewage backup in the basement floor drain. This can lead to expenses and compromise the safety of your house.

It’s essential to contact professional plumbers or sewage cleanup companies to safely remove the sewage and fix any underlying issues. 

How Much Does Professional Sewage Backup in the Basement Cost?

When it comes to sewage backup in the basement, it is always best to seek professional help, DIY sewage cleanup can be risky. The cost of hiring a professional plumber or sewage cleanup company may vary depending on the severity of the issue and the location. 

However, compared to the potential costs of DIY cleaning or ignoring the problem altogether, investing in professional services can save you money in the long run. On average, the sewage backup in the basement costs anywhere from $500 to $2000 for professional sewage repair and cleanup services.


Facing a basement flooded with sewage can be a distressing situation that requires immediate attention and proper handling to safeguard your health and property. Promptly addressing the issue, prioritizing safety measures, and seeking professional assistance for cleanup and restoration are crucial steps in mitigating the damage caused by sewage backups.

If you're dealing with a sewage-related emergency or require assistance with septic tank maintenance, repair, or installation, consider reaching out to professionals like Barnes Sewer & Septic for reliable services. Contact us at (765) 584-7295 to find solutions tailored to your needs and ensure a safe and sanitary environment in your home.

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